November 30, 2005: [achtung! kunst] The 2nd Guangzhou Triennial |
On Nov. 18th, 2002, the first Guangzhou Triennial organized by Guangdong Museum of Art was held in Guangzhou City, China. The theme then was Reinterpretation : a decade of experimental Chinese art, which aimed at a historic review and academic interpretation of the experimental Chinese art since the 1990’s. This first Guangzhou triennial has produced considerable influence in both Chinese and overseas artistic circles. Now the second session of Guangzhou Triennial is ready to unfold in Nov, 2005 as a regularly-held international art event. The theme —— BEYOND : an extroardinary space of experimentation for modernization The curatorial team of the Second Guangzhou Triennial consists of internationally renowned curators Hou Hanru, Hans Ulrich Obrist and the museum’s in-house curator Guo Xiaoyan. They have come up with an extraordinary title for the event: Beyond. “Beyond” refers to various forms of special cultural and artistic phenomena and methods developed under new social and economic circumstances that are unique, flourishing and full of vitality.These phenomena and methods embody the exciting and complicated imprints of globalization; they represent those specific solutions and patterns created and adopted by China and other non-western countries in their own process of modernization; they are an ever-changing dynamic phenomenon. “An extraordinary space of experimentation for modernization” takes the Pearl River Delta (PRD) as one of thetypical developing regions to study the contemporary art within the extraordinarymodernization framework that is full of possibilities and confusion. Pearl River Delta (PRD) stands for new space strategies, economic patterns and life styles. We regard this “extraordinary space” as a platform for artistic experimentation and practice. At the same time, this also evokes a unique and inventive experimental sample. Therefore, the second Guangzhou Triennial focuses on the research and reflection on those “extraordinary” modern developments, and presents the “extraordinary” expression of artists, architects, and scholars. To achieve such a vision, we have established a new structure, the cross-space, cross-time, cross-cultural, and inter-disciplinary Delta Laboratory (D-Lab). It guarantees a platform for sustainable and evolving research, creation and cultural exchanges. Tens of international and Chinese artists, architects and cultural activists have been invited to the PRD area to carry out studies and exchanges, and further realize specific projects for the Triennial exhibition. As the core of the Triennial, “D-Lab” has already held 3 major labs with over 10 public presentations. The related documents will also be edited and published. This strategy emphasizes expansions and continuations in both time and space. It fundamentally subverts conventional exhibition curatorial models and allows the globalised contemporary art activities intimately fused with the local context and deeply influencing its future development. Thurs, this Triennial has become a process of creating new realities for the very locale itself. Besides D-Lab, The second Guangzhou Triennial also consists of the Main Exhibition, Self Organization, and Special Projects. They will be opened on November 18th2005 inGuangzhou with Guangdong Museum of Art as the main venue. The event will last till Jan. 15th, 2006, while the D-Lab Project will go on at the same time.
2002年11月18日,由广东美术馆策划主办的“首届广州三年展”在中国广州隆重举 行,“首届广州三年展”以“重新解读—中国当代艺术十年”为主题,对90年代以来中 国的实验艺术及其发展进行史学回顾和学术阐释,因而在国内国际艺术界文化界产 生了极大的影响。“广州三年展”作为一个大型的、常规性国际性的当代艺术展事, 2005年11月将迎来第二届的艺术盛会。 “第二届广州三年展”以“别样:一个特殊的现代实验空间”为主题: “第二届广州三年展”以国际著名策展人侯瀚如,汉斯•尤利斯•奥布里斯特和广东 美术馆郭晓彦组成策划团队。他们为展事设定了一个独特的题目“別样”。 “别样”,是指在新的社会经济模式条件下发展而成的特定的、蓬勃发展的、富有 活力的文化和艺术的特殊现象和方式;这种现象和方式带有全球化深刻影响下激动 人心而又复杂的现实印记,是中国及非西方国家特殊的现代化过程中创造和选择的 新的适应性样式;是一个不断变动着的动态现象。 “一个特殊的现代实验空间”,是把以珠江三角洲地区为核心区域的地理位置所代 表的发展中地区的特殊样式为研究起点,讨论这种充满活力而又不失混乱的特殊现 代化模式及当代艺术文化现象;珠江三角洲(Pearl River Delta ,缩写为PRD)代 表着新的空间策略、新的经济模式及新生成的生活方式。我们把这种“特殊的空间” 作为新的艺术实验或实践的平台,作为一个我们对于中国特色的现代化进程和当代 艺术发展思考研究的“实验室”。同时,这也为全球格局重组提示了一个独特而创新 的试验范例。 因此,“第二届广州三年展”着力于对“别样”的现代化发展现象和模式的研究和反 思,展示艺术家、建筑家、文化学者等对这种现代化现象的“别样”表达。为此,我 们设立了以跨空间、跨文化、跨学科、跨时间的“三角洲实验室”(Delta Laboratory ,缩写为D-Lab),以建立一个可持续发展的研究,创作和交流的平 台。数十名中外艺术家、建筑家、文化学者应邀到“三角洲实验室”研讨交流,有针 对性地为三年展创作新作品。作为此次三年展的重要部分,“三角洲实验室”从2004 年11月启动至今已举办了三个阶段十次以上的向公众开放的展示和交流。其相关的 文献也将结集出版。这个强调在时间和空间两方面扩展和延续的策略从“别样”的角 度上改变了惯常的展览策划模式,以使全球性的当代艺术活动极为密切地融入本地 的语境并深刻地影响其发展。从而,此次三年展具有创新性地成为了一个创造本地 的新现实的过程。 除了“三角洲实验室”之外,“第二届广州三年展”还有“主题展览”、“自我组织空 间”、“特别计划”等部分。第二届广州三年展将于2005年11月18日以广东美术馆为 主要展览场地的广州开幕,并延续至2006年1月15。而“三角洲实验室”(D-Lab)也同 时继续运作。
artists 1. The Great City :between density and expansion 2. Tropical Memory and Alternative History 3 Urban Survivor,along,facing the chaos 4. Facing Globalisation :Migration and Borderline 5. The Garden,Man-Made Nature 6 Fantasia
International Herald Tribune, NOVEMBER 25, 2005 "Beyond" is the ambitious theme of the second Guangzhou
Triennial, which A selection of contemporary art is on display in the main exhibit,
at Another major part of the event is the research of a group of artists More information is available at
__________________ with kind regards, Matthias Arnold
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