August 21, 2005: [achtung! kunst] *upcomig exhibition II* London - V"A: Between Past and Future - New Photography and Video from China |
LONDON, ENGLAND.-The V&A will show the first major survey of chinese photography and video from the past decade, featuring work by a new generation of chinese photographers and video artists. With contemporary chinese art attracting interest around the world, 'Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China' is a varied and compelling selection. Featuring 60 works by 40 artists, the exhibition reflects the energy of younger chinese artists. The works, by both rising stars and established names, are often monumental in scale and experimental in nature. Together they capture the vivid responses of chinese photographers and video artists to the rapid cultural, social and economic changes taking place in China. The exhibition includes work by Wang Quingsong, Hong Hao, Qui Zhijie, Sheng Qi, Liu Zheng, Song Dong and Zhang Dali. There is also work by Rong Rong who recorded the performances and lives of the artistic community of Beijing's East Village in the early 1990s. Female artists include Xing Danwen and the young Beijing artist Cui Xiuwen. As well as introducing an extraordinary body of work to a UK audience, the exhibition will provide remarkable insight into the dynamics of chinese culture at the start of the 21st century. *********************** Victoria and Albert Museum Exhibition overview For the past two decades, China has undergone remarkable economic, social and cultural transformations. These changes have shaped the development of experimental art. Using media ranging from painting and sculpture to video and photography, China's experimental artists have explored the dynamics of emerging modernity in a country where the forces of tradition still retain enormous power. Photography and video have become increasingly important means of individual expression and are now central to contemporary Chinese art. In many ways, the versatility and instantaneous nature of these media have become synonymous with the rapidity of change in China. Photography was largely reduced to a propaganda tool during the first thirty years of the People's Republic, but from the 1980s artists began explore the medium's expressive potential. In the mid-1990s, Chinese photography and video entered a new phase of non-stop invention, abundant production, multifaceted experimentation and cross-fertilization with other art forms. The exhibition centres on this most recent and exciting phase of photo- and video-based art in China and is structured around four thematic sections: * History and Memory Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China was organised by the International Center of Photography, New York, and the David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, in collaboration with the Asia Society, New York, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. The exhibition received major funding from The Smart Family Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, as well as generous support from other donors. History and Memory Performing the Self Re-imagining the Body People and Place
China Live: Conversations on Performance and Documentation Speakers include Chinese artists Shu Yang, He Cheng Yao and Wang Chuyu, who will perform during the Friday Late, Sarah Champion of Chinese Arts Centre, Lois Keidan of Live Art UK and UK-based artists Dinu Li and Hayley Newman. Organised in collaboration with Chinese Arts Centre and Live Art
UK Tickets: Full £8.50, Concessions £6.50/£5. A free place can be
offered to a carer accompanying a registered disabled person ++++++++++ Free Event Organised in collaboration with Chinese Arts Centre and Live Art UK. Lecture supported by Red Mansion Foundation.
Tour Dates:
__________________ with kind regards, Matthias Arnold
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