August 21, 2005: [achtung! kunst] Amsterdam China Festival: Spotlight on Chinese Art and Culture |
In October 2005 Amsterdam will host the biggest festival focussing
on Chinese Art and Culture ever held in the Netherlands. A multi-facetted
festival featuring: The festival will represent a fascinating journey of exploration and discovery through both ancient China and the new China of today. A selection of what will be on offer at one of the many different locations, ranging from: * the Peking Opera to a breathtaking puppetry
CONTEMPORARY ART FROM CHINA (13 okt-30 nov 2005 WBK Vrije Academie From Thursday 13 October until Wednesday 30 November Over the past five years the radical, hard character of some of the Chinese artists whose work is exhibited all over the world has led to considerable discussion. One example of this is provided by the work of the artist duo Peng Yu & Sun Yun. They create sculptures from human fat that has been extruded in beauty salons, and they also put bloodthirsty pit bulls onto treadmills in such a way that they are directly facing each other but are (only just) unable to tear each other apart. Alongside this artist duo, a further five prominent Chinese artists will be working and exhibiting their art in the Free Academy in The Hague. They will be giving workshops and holding readings about their work, and about the position of the visual arts in China today. +++++++++++++ LIN TIANMIAO AND WANG GONGXIN (until 22 oct 2005) De Balie From Saturday 1 October until Saturday 22 October Photography, video and installation Exhibition at two locations, organised in cooperation with Canvas International Art. With work by Lin Tianmiao, one of China's most exhibited installation artists, and video artist Wang Gongxin. +++++++++++++ TANG ZHIGANG (until 22 oct 2005) Canvas International Art From Saturday 1 October until Saturday 22 October Paintings Tang Zhigang is one of the most remarkable Chinese painters of recent years. For 20 years, Tang worked as a painter in the Red Army. Now he is subverting the principles of social realism by forging a breed of 'baby cadres' that ridicules a whole era. Tang simultaneously shows us parallels in the behaviour of children and adults. ++++++++++++++ EXPO: YAN PEI-MING Maison Descartes From Thursday 6 October until Friday 18 November Yan Pei-Ming comes from Shanghai, China's first modern city. He arrived in France in 1980 at the age of 20, and purely by coincidence settled in Dijon. Ming appears to share the ideas of the painter Huang Bin-Hong (1864-1955), who believed that real paintings are 'at the same time totally similar and totally dissimilar'. Ming will exhibit a collection of some very large paintings. ++++++++++++++ OUT OF SIGHT (until 20 nov 2005) De Appel From Friday 7 October until Sunday 20 November Developments in contemporary Chinese art 'What makes contemporary Chinese art so important is not so much its Chinese character, but more its desire for independence and an escape from expectations.' - Hou Hanru How artists in today's China see themselves in relation to the international artistic landscape becomes clear in the exhibition Out of Sight. In a series of spatial and filmic installations, artists exhibit their fantasies, their daily wheeling and dealing in regard to survival, and their own personal obsessions and hallucinations. The selection has been made by guest curator Hou Hanru, specialist in the field of recent developments in Chinese art. Artists: Cao Fei, Chen Xiaoyun, Lu Chunsheng, Ni Haifeng, Xu Tan, Yan Lei, Zheng Guogu and others. ++++++++++++ CONTEMPORARY ART FROM CHINA (13 okt-30 nov 2005 WBK Vrije Academie From Thursday 13 October until Wednesday 30 November Over the past five years the radical, hard character of some of the Chinese artists whose work is exhibited all over the world has led to considerable discussion. One example of this is provided by the work of the artist duo Peng Yu & Sun Yun. They create sculptures from human fat that has been extruded in beauty salons, and they also put bloodthirsty pit bulls onto treadmills in such a way that they are directly facing each other but are (only just) unable to tear each other apart. Alongside this artist duo, a further five prominent Chinese artists will be working and exhibiting their art in the Free Academy in The Hague. They will be giving workshops and holding readings about their work, and about the position of the visual arts in China today. ++++++++++++++ XIANFENG! (t/m 11 dec 2005) museum Beelden aan Zee From Sunday 19 June until Sunday 11 December Chinese avant-garde sculpture The Xianfeng! exhibition offers a notable overview of avant-garde Chinese sculpture from the 1990's up until today. This spectacular exhibition features recent work by 16 leading Chinese artists. +++++++++++++++ YANG FUDONG (until 15 jan 2006) Stedelijk Museum CS From Friday 30 September until Sunday 15 January
The artist Yang Fudong (1971) belongs to a generation that each and
every day experiences the radical changes in today's Shanghai. The
new society calls for efficiency and functionality, suggesting that
all dreams will come true thanks toan increased consumption. Real
love, ideals and happiness, however, are not always a necessary consequence
of this consumption. Partner Stedelijk Museum CS: ABN AMRO ++++++++++++++ THE ONE MINUTES (various locations) FILM: TAN DUN / CONTEMPORARY CHINA CHINESE DOCUMENTAIRES IN THE PUBLIC SPACE CHINESE MOVIES WITH MUSIC BY TAN DUN Wednesday, October 19th 19:00 hr THE ROSE OF PU CHUI LIN TIANMIAO AND WANG GONGXIN (until 22 oct 2005) YANG FUDONG (until 15 jan 2006) +++++++++++++++ EXPO: CHINA, TIANANMEN - GATE TO HEAVEN FOAM From Friday 2 September until Sunday 16 October
+++++++++++++++++ EXPO: STAR FERRY MOVEMENTS (until 31 dec 2005) Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ From Saturday 1 October until Saturday 1 October ++++++++++++++++ DUTCH ARCHITECTURE FOR CHINA (8 oct - 26 nov 2005) ARCAM (Architectuur Centrum Amsterdam) From Saturday 8 October until Saturday 26 November ARCAM is organizing an exhibition dedicated to designs by Dutch architects and urbanites for projects in China. In addition to Rem Koolhaas and his team, many other Dutch designers have also developed connections with the People's Republic in recent years. An exuberant collection of drawings, photos and scale models will give a picture of their proposals for new buildings, housing schemes and city districts in various Chinese towns. The plans will be documented in a parallel publication and experts on China will give up-to-date accounts of Chinese architecture, urban design and spatial planning. ARCAM's October and November lectures and the annual Museum Night will also be on the China theme. ++++++++++++++ ...and much more
__________________ with kind regards, Matthias Arnold
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